Restless Legs DJs „Green Onions – Maximum R’n’R“ – DJ Set 1

First part of the new entire stream! Recorded in one session in the wood! We saw a robin hood.
You can see the famous guys from the Restless Legs Dj Crew in their new short film ‚Green Onion – Maximum R’n’R!‘
and you could ask yourself how do they do it and how you are? Stay R’n’R !!!

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REGULAR DATE: Every 3rd saturday in the odd months in the Ostpol!
Irregular Dates & Concerts will be announced on our FB-Page:

– Punk*N*Wave – Surf*N*Beat – Noise*N*Garage – Voodoo Rhytm – Maximum R’n’R

Restless Legs DJ Crew are:
Tebartz van Ost (Effizienzbeauftragter & Pförtner, Ostpol)
Themroc (Bereichsleiter Noise & Garage, Trieblaut, Trigger Kid & the Ending Man, Ostpol)
Sascha ZündUp (Brandschutzbeauftragter, Zünd Up Shows)
Sebastard (Mitarbeitervertretung, Schichtleitung Spätdienst, Ostpol)

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